Electroseed Tiny Pedals Board


Firmware :
Board Plate :
Load Cell extension :

Pedals board with vibration motor control


This board, based on the SamD21 micro-controller, makes it possible to interface buttons/encoders, various sensors, and a NRF24L01 radio module. Two I2C ports and an SPI port are accessible, for example to connect 2 AS5600 magnetic angle sensors or a contactless magnetic sensor
This board also offers a motor control circuit, allowing the control of up to 2 vibration motors to simulate ABS, TC, etc., if the game sends this information, and by interfacing with SimHub software. The motors can be powered by USB or by a separate power supply (voltage between 4 and 16 V). The maximum current is 500 mA per motor, for a total power of 1 W max. Motor speeds are controlled by high frequency PWM signals, so commutation signals are inaudible.  
You will have access to 17 I/O including 13 analog inputs (12 bits). The inputs are 3.3 V and are not 5 V tolerant. The SamD21 operates at 48 MHz.
NodeBlue package is included with the board, so you can have any configuration you need. A configuration form will be sent after your order, so you can specify the desired programming. The board will be programmed accordingly and the wiring schematics will be provided.


3D models (.obj and .step format) : PCB_Tiny_Pedals_Motor_SamD21.zip

Axis Calibration
To reprogram the board or to calibrate the axis, you need to install Node Blue. It is recommended to reprogram the board to benefit from the latest version.
Depending on the project you are using, you will have to use one of the following 2 methods:
  • Calibration with the serial monitor
You will need to have a  "NodeBlue Interface", "SimHub Interface" or "Nextion Interface" module in your project.
Attention : if the USB port is used for a Nextion, leds or other Simhub interfaces, you'll need to disconect SimHub in order to free the serial COM port.
In Node Blue, open a serial monitor on the board (at the top of the window, select the correct COM port and click on the # icon), You can see the calibration messages in the serial monitor (window at the bottom in Node Blue). You must also display the "Controllers" tab at the top right. Select "Raw" as display mode.
For each axis:
  • Click on the "Cal" input of the analog input module, the sensor module (eg AS5600) or the "Range" module. The module name can be "Accel", "X", "Y" or "Z", or something else depending on the application. Once cal is pressed, a message appears in the serial monitor window. Follow the instructions.
  • Once the calibration is complete, double click on the module to change the low and high deadband parameters. Check in the controller tab that when the axis is completely released the value is 0 and when it is fully released the value is 65535. Adjust the dead zones if necessary. Click on "Invert" if you need the axis to work in an inverted way. 
Once the calibration of all axis is complete, save the project so that the settings are saved, either by using the "Save project" menu or with the CTRL-S key combination. If the project is read-only, use the "Save As" menu and choose another name.
  • Manual Calibration (if the USB Virtual serial port is not present or used by another non compatible module)
In the "Controllers" tab at the top right. Select "Raw signed" as the display mode.
For each axis:
  • Double-click on the analog input module "X", "Y" or "Z" (or any other name depending on the project) concerned by the axis.
  • Position the axis to the minimum, copy the value displayed in the controller tab (adding a small margin), in the "In Min" parameter of the module.
  • Position the axis to the maximum, copy the value displayed in the controller tab (by removing a small margin), in the "In Max" parameter of the module.
  • change the low and high deadband parameters. Check in the controller tab that when the axis is completely released the value is 0 and when it is fully released the value is 65535. Adjust the dead zones if necessary.


Once each axis has been done :

  • Save the project so that the settings are saved, either by using the "Save project" menu or with the CTRL-S key combination. If the project is read-only, use the "Save As" menu and choose another name.
  • Select the com port among those detected (disconnect any other detected boards to be sure to program the board you want).
  • Upload the project to the board ("Upload" button).


The settings are saved in the flash memory of the board and are restored at each restart.

Customized with display
Customized with display

Packages for using Node Blue. Packages are bound to a board, so you'll have to buy them for each board you wish to program. Only boards proposed on ElectroSeed shop are supported.

Standard parckage includes the modules listed in the description.

"Gaming Device" option allows to program the board so it will be seen by the PC as a standard gaming device (no drivers to install). To choose freely the device name, you must choose the Pro package.

"Display" option gives you access to all the modules that deals with display : RGB Leds, 7 segments displays, Nextion screens, TFT/Oleds/etc. screens.


NodeBlue Wiki : www.nodeblue.org/wiki_fr

Board Plate
TBB_01 Plate
TBB_01 Plate

3D PLA Printed plate for the TBB_01 board family.

Load Cell extension
24 bits ADC Hx711
24 bits ADC Hx711

24 bits Analog to Digital Converter based on the Hx711 IC. This converter, specially suited for interfacing with load cells, provides an excitation voltage ( pins E- / E +) and measures the voltage on pins A- / A + (channel A) or B- / B + (channel B).


The gain on channel A can be set to 64 or 128 by programming, and the gain on channel B is hard coded to 32.


The board is configured by us to sample at 80 Hz. If you want to measure 2 signals the sampling rate drops to 40 Hz (for pedals applications we recommend that you use 2 boards in order to stay at 80 Hz).


Dimensions : 23.4 mm x 16 mm


Hx711 IC Documentation : http://www.electroseed.fr/docs/hx711_v2_0.pdf


Node Blue Example: https://www.electroseed.fr/shop/gui/index.php?file=examples/06-Sensors/Hx711_HID.txt

Documentation du circuit Hx711 : http://www.electroseed.fr/docs/hx711_v2_0.pdf


Exemple Node Blue : https://www.electroseed.fr/shop/gui/index.php?file=examples/06-Sensors/Hx711_HID.txt

JST 2.0 Cable 2 pins 15cm
JST 2.0 Cable 2 pins 15cm

JST 2.0mm Cable

Number of pins : 2

Length : 15cm

Male Connector : seamed on the cable

Dupont Cable 2 pins 20cm x10
Dupont Cable 2 pins 20cm x10

Dupont Cable 2 pins 20 cm  (pack of 10)

JST 2.0 Cable 8 pins 20cm
JST 2.0 Cable 8 pins 20cm

JST 2.0mm Cable Male - Male

Number of pins : 8

Length : 20 cm

Connectors seamed on the cable

micro USB Cable Double Ferrite 1m
micro USB Cable Double Ferrite 1m

USB cable with 2 ferrites which limits electromagnetic interferences.

Length : 1 m

Connector : micro-USB

micro USB Retractable Cable
micro USB Retractable Cable

USB Retractabe cable

Length : 30 cm

Connector : micro-USB

Leo24 Dongle
Leo24 Dongle

ATmega32u4 micro-controler based board, compatible with Arduino Leonardo  (assembled).

It has 9 digital input/output pins (of which 5 can be used as 10 bits analog inputs).

The ATmega32u4 micro-controler includes an USB hardware controler which can be programmed to create a gaming device, a keyboard, a mouse, etc..

The board can be powered by USB, or with an external 5V power supply. The board is like a USB dongle, so it doesn't need any USB cable to be connected to a PC.

Dimensions : 20 mm x 13 mm

SMA Extension 15 cm
SMA Extension 15 cm

SMA extension cable, length 15 cm