ElectroSeed MMWB RB

16.98 € inc. VAT
14.15 € ex. VAT
Quantity in stock : 30

Bodacs :
Board :
Firmware :

The MMWB RB (MicroMod Wheel Board Radio Boost) allows you to connect daughterboards in MicroMod format and offers unique features. Ideal for wireless, battery powered configurations, it proposes a Lithium-Ion charging circuit (3A Max), as well as a Boost circuit to deliver 5v to Nextion screens or lots of RGB leds.


You'll find below in the description tab a table with the different daughter boards to help you choose the one corresponfing to your needs. All boards can work via USB or native connection with Fanatec or Thrustmaster bases. The management of Nextion screens, RGB LEDs and 7-segment displays is done using the SimHub software and needs a NRF Dongle to work wirelessly.

  • LiPo battery management circuit, including a charging circuit and a 5v boost circuit, which can power a Nextion screen, 7-segment displaysRGB Leds or any other peripheral requiring a 5v power supply.
  • 4 precision pull-up resistors on analog inputs to connect Bodacs, which allows you to put up to 20 buttons in addition to the other 39 remaining inputs.
  • A mosfet to switch the power supply to 3.3v peripherals, which reduces battery consumption when using potentiometers or other sensors.
  • 8-pin JST 2.0 connector to connect natively to Fanatec bases (using our SRM Quick Release), and also to Thrustmaster bases (also possible by a 2x3 dupont connector).
  • 2 x 6-pin JST 1.5 connectors for connecting 2 Fanatec APM paddles or any other system with up to 2 digital paddles and one analog paddle per port.
  • A 5v power connector to connect to the Simagic or Moza bases (thanks to our Simagic and Moza Quick Releases), the NRF52840 daughter board allowing native radio communication with Simagic bases (inputs only, 32 functions).
  • A 4-pin JST 2.0 connector to easily connect an aviation connector for steering wheels operating in USB or a panel mount USB connector for wireless wheels (for battery charging or for firmware updates).
  • A USB-C connector to program the board or connect a USB extension.

Axis Calibration
To reprogram the board or to calibrate the axis, you need to install Node Blue. It is recommended to reprogram the board to benefit from the latest version.
Depending on the project you are using, you will have to use one of the following 2 methods:
  • Calibration with the serial monitor
You will need to have a  "NodeBlue Interface", "SimHub Interface" or "Nextion Interface" module in your project.
Attention : if the USB port is used for a Nextion, leds or other Simhub interfaces, you'll need to disconect SimHub in order to free the serial COM port.
In Node Blue, open a serial monitor on the board (at the top of the window, select the correct COM port and click on the # icon), You can see the calibration messages in the serial monitor (window at the bottom in Node Blue). You must also display the "Controllers" tab at the top right. Select "Raw" as display mode.
For each axis:
  • Click on the "Cal" input of the analog input module, the sensor module (eg AS5600) or the "Range" module. The module name can be "Accel", "X", "Y" or "Z", or something else depending on the application. Once cal is pressed, a message appears in the serial monitor window. Follow the instructions.
  • Once the calibration is complete, double click on the module to change the low and high deadband parameters. Check in the controller tab that when the axis is completely released the value is 0 and when it is fully released the value is 65535. Adjust the dead zones if necessary. Click on "Invert" if you need the axis to work in an inverted way. 
Once the calibration of all axis is complete, save the project so that the settings are saved, either by using the "Save project" menu or with the CTRL-S key combination. If the project is read-only, use the "Save As" menu and choose another name.
  • Manual Calibration (if the USB Virtual serial port is not present or used by another non compatible module)
In the "Controllers" tab at the top right. Select "Raw signed" as the display mode.
For each axis:
  • Double-click on the analog input module "X", "Y" or "Z" (or any other name depending on the project) concerned by the axis.
  • Position the axis to the minimum, copy the value displayed in the controller tab (adding a small margin), in the "In Min" parameter of the module.
  • Position the axis to the maximum, copy the value displayed in the controller tab (by removing a small margin), in the "In Max" parameter of the module.
  • change the low and high deadband parameters. Check in the controller tab that when the axis is completely released the value is 0 and when it is fully released the value is 65535. Adjust the dead zones if necessary.


Once each axis has been done :

  • Save the project so that the settings are saved, either by using the "Save project" menu or with the CTRL-S key combination. If the project is read-only, use the "Save As" menu and choose another name.
  • Select the com port among those detected (disconnect any other detected boards to be sure to program the board you want).
  • Upload the project to the board ("Upload" button).


The settings are saved in the flash memory of the board and are restored at each restart.

3D Model (.obj and .step Format) : https://www.electroseed.fr/docs/MMWB/MMWB_3DModel.zip

MicroMod NRF52840
MicroMod NRF52840

Featuring the nRF52840 SoC from Nordic Semiconductor, the SparkFun MicroMod nRF52840 Processor offers a powerful combination of ARM Cortex-M4 CPU and 2.4 GHz Bluetooth transceiver in the MicroMod form-factor with the M.2 MicroMod connector to allow you to plug in a compatible MicroMod Carrier Board with any number of peripherals.

The MicroMod nRF52840 Processor features the Raytac MDBT50Q-P1. This module includes an integrated trace antenna, fits the IC to an FCC and CE approved footprint along with including decoupling and timing mechanisms that would need to be designed into a circuit using the bare nRF52840 IC. The Bluetooth transceiver included on the nRF52840 boasts a BT 5.1 stack and supports Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth mesh, IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee & Thread) and 2.4Ghz RF wireless protocols (including Nordic's proprietary RF protocol) allowing you to pick which option works best for your application.

There's also two I2C buses, 2 SPI buses, eleven GPIO, dedicated digital, analog, PWM & PDM pins along with multiple serial UARTS to cover nearly all of your peripheral needs.


We have fixed a hardware bug on this board in order to be able to use the ADC for radiometric measures (potentiometers, etc.).

MicroMod SamD21J NRF
MicroMod SamD21J NRF

With a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 MCU, the ElectroSeed MicroMod SAMD21J NRF Processor Board provides a powerfull and versatile platform. With the NRF24L01 radio module and its ceramic antenna, make your wireless projecy easily with a maximum of inputs.


The ATSAMD21J18 used is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0, running at 48 MHz, has 256 KB of flash memory, 32 KB of SRAM, 6 SERCOM interfaces, and other features. 


Number of inputs/outputs : 45 including 16 analog.

Customized with display
Customized with display

Packages for using Node Blue. Packages are bound to a board, so you'll have to buy them for each board you wish to program. Only boards proposed on ElectroSeed shop are supported.

Standard parckage includes the modules listed in the description.

"Gaming Device" option allows to program the board so it will be seen by the PC as a standard gaming device (no drivers to install). To choose freely the device name, you must choose the Pro package.

"Display" option gives you access to all the modules that deals with display : RGB Leds, 7 segments displays, Nextion screens, TFT/Oleds/etc. screens.


NodeBlue Wiki : www.nodeblue.org/wiki_fr

USB-C Female to JST 2.0 Cable
USB-C Female to JST 2.0 Cable

USB-C to JST PH 2.0 Cable

Length : 15 cm

Drill diameter : 10 mm

Depth : Interior 14 mm, Total : 16.5 mm


Compatible with our SamD21 WB and MMWB boards


Red    : 5V

Blue    : D+

White  : D-

Black   : Gnd

Blue    : D-

JST 1.5 Cable 6 pins 10cm
JST 1.5 Cable 6 pins 10cm

Can be used to connect APM or custom paddle shifters+clutches to MMWB boards


JST 1.5mm Cable

Number of pins : 6

Length : 10cm

Male Connector : seamed on the cable