Battery + Radio NRF52840 Kit

7.96 € inc. VAT
6.63 € ex. VAT
Quantity in stock : 8

Power Switch :
Dongle :
Firmware :
Battery :
IO Headers :

This kit allows you to build a radio link for your steering wheel. The embedded board and the dongle are based on the NRF52840 microcontroler.


Kit contents :

NRF52840 Feather Express board with its printed plate and an external led with connector

NRF52Dongle (option)

µUSB extension , so you'll be able to recharge the battery or reprogram the NRF52840 board without having to open your wheel.

- 1 power switch to switch the wheel off and save battery life.

- 10 20cm dupont cables and 10 10cm dupont cables so you can connect your buttons, rotary encoders, etc.

Power Switch
Power switch 15 mm / 3 pins
Power switch 15 mm / 3 pins

Power switch width 15 mm

3 pins

Power switch 19 mm
Power switch 19 mm

Power switch 19 mm

3 pins

Power switch 23 mm
Power switch 23 mm

Power switch 23 mm

2 x 3 pins

Cable Pack 2
Dupont Cable 2 pins 20cm x10
Dupont Cable 2 pins 20cm x10

Dupont Cable 2 pins 20 cm  (pack of 10)

NRF Dongle
NRF Dongle

NRF52840 micro-controler based dongle.


This dongle can be used as a radio receiver and is compatible with all our radio boards (based on NRF24 modules or NRF52840).


The NRF52840 micro-controler includes an USB hardware controler which can be programmed to create a gaming device, a keyboard, a mouse, etc..


A standard Node Blue package is included with the dongle.



Dimensions : 

- Length : 43 mm (including USB connector)

- Width : 18 mm

- Height : 9 mm

Customized with display
Customized with display

Packages for using Node Blue. Packages are bound to a board, so you'll have to buy them for each board you wish to program. Only boards proposed on ElectroSeed shop are supported.

Standard parckage includes the modules listed in the description.

"Gaming Device" option allows to program the board so it will be seen by the PC as a standard gaming device (no drivers to install). To choose freely the device name, you must choose the Pro package.

"Display" option gives you access to all the modules that deals with display : RGB Leds, 7 segments displays, Nextion screens, TFT/Oleds/etc. screens.


NodeBlue Wiki :

Lipo Battery 800 mAh
Lipo Battery 800 mAh

Lipo Battery 800 mAh

Voltage: 3.7 Volts

Connector : JST PH 2.0



Length : 35 mm

Width : 30 mm

Thickness : 6 mm

Lipo Battery 1500 mAh
Lipo Battery 1500 mAh

Lipo Battery 1500 mAh

Voltage: 3.7 Volts

Connector : JST PH 2.0



Length : 50 mm

Width : 20 mm

Thickness : 10 mm

Lipo Battery 2000 mAh
Lipo Battery 2000 mAh

High quality Turnigy Lipo Battery 2000 mAh

Voltage: 3.7 Volts

Max discharge current : 2 Ampères (2C)

Connector : JST PH 2.0



Length : 49 mm

Width : 34 mm

Thickness : 10 mm

Lipo Battery 3000 mAh
Lipo Battery 3000 mAh

Lipo Battery 3000 mAh

Voltage: 3.7 Volts

Connector : JST PH 2.0


Length : 50 mm

Width : 40 mm

Thickness : 10 mm

Li-ion Battery 5000 mAh
Li-ion Battery 5000 mAh

Lithium-ion Battery 56000 mAh, 28650 format

Voltage: 3.7 Volts


Length : 65 mm

Diamteter : 28 mm

Li-ion Battery 6000 mAh + Case
Li-ion Battery 6000 mAh + Case

Lithium-ion Battery 6000 mAh, 18650 format

Voltage: 3.7 Volts


Length : 65 mm

Diamteter : 18 mm

Micro USB Extension 30cm panel
Micro USB Extension 30cm panel

Micro USB extension, panel mount

Length : 30 cm

Connectors : micro-USB - micro-USB

Holes spacing  : 17 mm

Screws : M3 12 mm provided

Cable Pack 1
Dupont Cable 2 pins 10cm x10
Dupont Cable 2 pins 10cm x10

Dupont Cable 2 pins 10 cm  (pack of 10)

Board Version
Adafruit NRF52840 Feather Express
Adafruit NRF52840 Feather Express

This board enables connecting buttonsswitchesencoders, potentiometers,  rotary switchesjoysticks  and various sensors, to easily deploy wireless solutions.


An battery charging circuit allows you to power the board with a battery for embedded applications, along with an internal connexion in order to measure precisely the battery voltage, so you will know the charge that's left.


You will have access to 22 I/Os, including 7 analog inputs with a 12 bits ADC. One additionnal digital input is available for the on board user switch, as well as an "NFC" pad under the board if another input is needed. The inputs are 3.3 V and are not 5 V tolerant. The heart of this board is the NRF52840, the most suitable microcontroller on the market for embedded systems. Clocked at 64 MHz, it also offers 2 SPI ports, 1 I2C port , and 1 serial port. Like all the boards we propose, we have enhenced the kernel in order to offer as much features as possible. 


Note : This board is not using the bluetooth protocol, you will have to use a NrfDongle dongle to make it use it.


Drivers Download : Adafruit Drivers

IO Headers
Male header 1x40 pins Right Angle
Male header 1x40 pins Right Angle

Male Header

Number of rows : 1

Number of pins : 40

Pitch : 2.54 mm

Pins height : 11.5mm

Male header 1x40 pins 11.5mm
Male header 1x40 pins 11.5mm

Male Header

Number of rows : 1

Number of pins : 40

Pitch : 2.54 mm

Pins height : 11.5mm